Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FULL day

We had another Mommy lunch/playdate today. The four boys played, screamed, shoved, laughed, and had an overall great time. All of the craziness kept Annagrace entertained, from her Cheerio loaded, out of harms reach, highchair. And I had a great time chatting away with the other Mommies. Sorry Heather, but I think you look adorable!
Wednesdays are Tyler's day off = Family Day. So after the gang left and Annagrace crashed for a while, the three of us headed to the Museum. Annagrace enjoyed the Transformations Room for kids, but didn't really get into the "Objects of Desire" Collectables exhibit.
Annagrace found it absolutely hilarious to sit on her Daddy and pick his nose. (She actually made him bleed.)
She is really getting into this feeding herself thing, but hasn't mastered doing it neatly.

And last but not least . . . a thank you to my Hero. After dinner, I realized that I was out of Diet Coke (yes I'm addicted). So, my sweet husband not only went to the Circle K and got me a fountain drink, he also went to Publix and bought me 2 12 packs. YEAH!!! (It's all about the little things.)

1 comment:

Erin Bigler said...

Thanks for the fun afternoon. Tyler is a sweetie, I'll have to make sure to thank him for the yummy croissants too. Can I get a copy of that picture of Asher? I LOVE it!