Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Head Trauma

I'm getting a little worried. I know that falls are totally normal for babies learning how to walk. But, last night she fell in the bath tub and hit her face on the side of the tub. And then tonight she fell and hit her head on the entertainment center - leaving a huge blue swollen line right down her forehead. At this rate we are destined for a concussion before she's two!


Anonymous said...

Kyle was our faller... We finally took him to the ER after one of the worst ones, and the dr was very helpful. He said that if they cry immediately after the fall, they're fine. And luckily, every time my kids have fallen, they've started wailing immediately.

About the passes to Callaway, they do check our id's when we go through the front gate... But we can get 5 ppl in for each of our cards. So maybe Jake and I can meet you all there one day and get you in. That would work.

The Powells said...

Don't worry...I think Tyson has had about 57. I think he'll have brain damage by 3 but my moms says that we all fell and bumped that much. So I just don't worry anymore. I just comfort him and move right along! It was fun chatting the other night - I miss you!

Candi said...

I miss you too Jenn!! COME BACK!
Stacy - GREAT ADVICE!! And thank you so much I might have to take you up on your offer. I can't find anyone else with passes. Do yall live near Callaway? I don't want you to have to drive forever!