Tuesday, April 22, 2008

104.4 update

After another doctor visit and another trip to the hospital for blood work, we got a call at 9:00 pm from the doctor (how awesome is he that he followed through even though it was so late!!). Annagrace has Coxsackievirus! It's a big nasty word for a viral infection that causes: sores in the back of the mouth (explains the decreased appetite) and high fevers. THERE IS NO TREATMENT OR CURE it just goes away on it's own in 7-10 days. We just have to treat the fever until it goes back to normal.
We also found out:
1. Annagrace did not have an ear infection
2. Ear infections should never cause a temp higher than 101.
3. Fevers from vaccinations only last one day.
4. The poor baby has 6 teeth trying to break through all at the same time which explains the runny nose and abundance of drool lately.

1 comment:

floydfamily said...

You poor thing. Reese got that this winter. It was horrible. Hope that she feels better soon!