Friday, May 21, 2010

My Little Twins!

No, I don't plan on doing this all of the time - matching the girls. But, occasionally I don't think I'll be able to resist! Plus the fact that Annagrace already wears a 5T makes it really hard to find matching outfits.Did you see those cheeks? How yummy they are? Emmalee just had her two week check up and she is:
8lbs 4 oz - a whole POUND heavier and
20" long - a whole inch longer
She is growing so fast! The newborn size outfits that fit yesterday were too tight today! It's probably because she eats ALL of the time. We are up to 3oz every two hours and sometimes it's even a little sooner than 2 hrs. Her cheeks are full but she still has tiny little legs and no hinney! And while she is steadily gaining, I'm steadily losing! 36 pounds so far!! When I get to add in some exercise, maybe just maybe I can get rid of 24 more to be back to Pre-Annagrace pregnancy weight!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love matching outfits! So cute. Hope you're feeling better Candi!