Friday, March 12, 2010

7 weeks

I can't believe we are almost there! Only 7 more weeks until Emmalee is here. I'm busy nesting away and trying to make the most of every moment with Annagrace as an ONLY child. And, while I thought she was an Angel child and we skipped right over the terrible twos . . . I was wrong, so so wrong! It finally hit this last week. She switches from wonderful happy child to holy temper tantrum in 2 seconds flat. We've discovered naps help a little with keeping the tantrums to a minimum, but we still get little ones that make me wonder: "What happened to my child? Who is this?" I'm hoping this is a VERY short term thing. I don't know that I can do a newborn and tantrums at the same time!!!


Kim said...

We did not skip the terrible twos. It seriously happens over night!

Chuck said...

it only gets worse.....then they become teenagers

Pittman Four said...

You'll be amazed at what you'll be able to handle!!! Wait for the terrible 12's 13's mixed with another's terrible 10's/11's!!!!!

I want to go back to terrible 2's...(Well maybe not)!!!

The journey's fun! It'll amaze you!