Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just daily odds and ends

I have been helping some friends decorate their new house. While I was busy I let Annagrace play with/empty the diaper bag (she loves bags - she's such a girly girl) but she found Mommy's little side pocket and ended up with this:

Annagrace is trying lots of new foods now. At first she gagged a lot, even on tiny pieces of bread, but it seems like she has gotten over it. We have quickly progressed from the tiny pieces of bread to Rice Crispies . . . to Cheerios . . . to pasta . . . and now graham crackers. But I have to say the Rice Crispies were my favorite. It was so cute watching her little finger pick up those TINY little Rice Crispies and put them straight in her mouth. Tonight she had a lovely dinner of Rice Crispies, graham crackers, and a jar of sweet pea baby food - DELICIOUS!

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