Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Wow, I can't believe another year has flown by. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was 6 months pregnant and we were stuck on I-19 for 19 hours on our way home from our Christmas vacation to Idaho. (They closed the road we were on and we were stuck on the interstate - no food or water or BATHROOM for 19 hours - Thank goodness for truck drivers!) Anywho, I am so thankful that we are entering this fabulous new year as we, a family, not we, a couple. This year Annagrace will learn to walk and talk, have her 1st birthday, and hopefully a first haircut. She is growing so fast and I know I will be sitting here again on 1/1/2009 saying I can't believe how big she is. She is a beautiful baby with the cutest personality and sweetest demeanor. I know all Mom's think this, but she is the perfect baby!
As for me, I want to do New Year's Resolutions (and actually stick to them), but it makes me a little nervous to lay them all out here online. I will be accountable, others will know if I am succeeding or failing. But, maybe that's a good thing. So, here goes . . .
1. Read my scriptures daily. I know I should have concurred this goal as a child, but shamefully I have not.
2. Make a daily effort to recognize Heavenly Father's hand in our daily lives. As President Henry B. Eyring spoke of in conference:"I wrote down a few lines every day for years. I never missed a day no matter how tired I was or how early I would have to start the next day. Before I would write, I would ponder this question: “Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?” I want to do this, I may even make a little craft project out of it (that I saw in another blog).
3. I want to glow. You know what I mean, glow with the peace and happiness that draws others to you and your spirituality. I think the two previous resolutions will help with this. The missionaries really struck a cord with me one night. Their spiritual thought focused on striving to have a Christ centered home, a home where the spirit can be felt by all who enter. They said that they definitely felt it, but it made me wonder if EVERYONE can. So, I guess my resolution extends out to my home as well - Do others feel the spirit when they are in my home and with me.
4. Make time to read. I need to learn to just walk away from the TV and read. I love to read, but I love the TV more, so I find myself only reading when we are driving or flying. There are so many books that I want to read, but never make the time to do so. Tyler even gave me a very nice book for Christmas: Jane Austin The Complete Novels. I want to read it from cover to cover by June!
5. Be more outgoing. I really surprised myself this last year. I really tried to break out of my shyness shell and meet new people. By doing so I have made at least three new, very wonderful, life long friends. I want to continue this and be even more brave this year. As part of this, I want to get to know people that I already know. You know, the women at church that you are friendly too, and exchange pleasantries with on Sundays, but never make an effort to see them at any other time during the week.
6. And of course, the cliche resolution: work on my weight. Get back on track with healthy eating and exercising. Towards the end of last year I was doing really well with the exercise part so I just need to continue and try to cut out the junk/fast food.
7. And last, but not least . . . build my little bow business into an empire!
Well, there you have'em.

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