Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Best Baby

I may be a little partial, but I do believe I have the BEST baby EVER! We have been helping my Aunt paint her house the past two days. Annagrace goes along, of course, and will just sit on the floor and play. Seriously, all I do is spread out a blanket, sit her down in the middle, give her a couple of toys and the diaper bag, and she will entertain her self for a full two hours or more. First she starts with the diaper bag. She slowly, studying each piece as she goes, empties the daiper bag. Then plays with the pile of diapers and toys all around her. But, today was the ultimate . . . when she got tired, she rolled to her side, pulled her blanket up over her face and WENT TO SLEEP, all by herself! And she slept a solid hour and a half. She is the BEST! She is also very talented! I decided to hold her while I was painting the last 3 sq in of unpainted wall. All of a sudden I heard a kur-plunk . . . I looked down to see this . . .
she spit out her pacifier and rung the paint bucket!

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