Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pre-School "P"

We finally started our at-home Pre-school! We were both so exceited to get started! And since it is October we started with the letter P for pumpkin! 
For our first day, we gathered up items around the house that start with P and put them on top of the bookcases. We practiced writing P over and over and over again. We did some puzzles. And we tried to have p word snacks/meals: popcorn, peanut butter sandwiches, pizza, pretzels, pudding, etc
 Practice a Perfect P
 We converted our guest room/craft room into our Pre-school/craft room. We sold the bed (very sad moment for me), moved in a table, bookcases, books, all of her puzzles and creative art supplies.
We made a pumpkin picture.
(avoiding the mess of a real pumpkin!!)
Next week is "O" for October.

1 comment:

Jennifer Ricker said...

are you using a program? i remember seeing someone's blog maybe with the at home school plan. now i can't remember who it was. looks fun though!