We had a very low key, but very nice, New Year Celebration. John and Angie (thanks to high fluid levels) came over to celebrate with us. We played Trivial Pursuit, shot off all of Tyler's HUGE box of fire works and then hurried back inside to watch the ball drop. And our little Annagrace stayed up for the whole thing!! She was nodding off towards the end but we managed to keep her awake until the end. She promptly crashed as soon as John and Angie walked out the door at 12:15. I think the sweetest moment had to be when John hugged Angie and said "I'm going to be a Daddy this year!!"
On New Year's Day we napped a lot and then headed over to GGs for some Blackeyed Peas and Collard Greens - Yum Yum! Tyler didn't go. He refuses to eat practically anything southern. But, I need all of the luck and money I can get, so I gobbled them up.
Annagrace was so cute, she was such a trouper! Aw, I guess the pictures of the fireworks didn't turn out?
Seriously he doesn't like southern food? He's missing out! I suppose I'm missing out too... sigh...
Happy New Year Welch Fam!
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