So, tonight, while giving Annagrace a bath, I noticed tiny black things floating in the water. I looked closer and it was MOLD! I searched for it's source .... it was coming from her squeezable bath toys! I guess the water gets stuck in them and started Molding!! I was so grossed out and I can't believe that I've been letting her bath with mold. I got her out and dressed and passed off to Tyler on the couch and then went back in with bleach and soaked all of the toys for a half hour. When I went back to rinse them, I started squirting all of the water out of them and I almost vomited at the amount of CHUNKS of mold coming out of them. I threw them ALL OUT! Her once full basket, now houses three ducks (that don't have any holes) and five matching frogs (they have big holes and no sign of mold). SO .... buyer beware - don't buy squeezy bath toys that have tiny holes - the water never gets out!
So Gross--I am going to check all my boys toys right now!!!!!! Thanks for the heads up!
I remember that happening. That's when all the bath toys were thrown away and it became just a bath...
It was major disgusting.
that's soo funny! I did the same thing while we were at Benning - I thought I was the only Mom that didn't know you had to empty the toys EVERY bath time or else....I guess it just goes to show that toy makers haven't gotten the idea yet either.
I eventually tossed all the toys that let water in like that because it is totally gross. Ew Ew Ew.
Haha, yeah, I throw out all our bath toys about every three months. I'm even careful to squirt all the water out after each bath, and I tried the bleach thing but it doesn't really kill it. Rubber duckies seem to be the worst unfortunately. Where did you find any without holes???? We've started using only foam toys that you can stick to the sides of the tub and walls. They have cute ones--dress up princess, pirate boats, trains and cars, ABCs and tons more.
That is soooo gross! Mold is so gross! Thanks for sharing, I'll stay from the squeezy bath toys!
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