Thursday, April 17, 2008


Her one year birthday was followed up with a one year old check up and vaccines today. She screamed ... cried ... then I cried ... handed her a toy and a cracker ... everything was okay again. But her doctor did confirm that Annagrace should be eating more table food from the meals "that I cook at home." I gave her a "what is that" look. She laughed and said "the meals that you WILL be cooking at home." So, full of guilt and shame, I cooked dinner tonight, a baby friendly dinner. We had beef tips in gravy, mashed potatoes, and English peas. Annagrace liked the peas at first but became obsessed with the spoon and mashed potatoes and wouldn't have anything else to do with the peas. She would hand me the spoon, I put a small glob of potatoes on it, hand it back to her, then she would put it in her mouth. This continued until all of her potatoes were gone. I tried to hide a few peas in the mashed potatoes, but she wasn't fooled. She would spit them right back out.
Today was just a good day, well after the doctors appointment anyway. It was, what I call, one of my "good Mommy days." One of those days that I fully enjoyed being a mom, enjoyed my baby, enjoyed playing with and teaching her, and enjoyed helping her become a big girl (no matter how much it kills me). We had fun playing with her new barn and working on animals and their sounds. She has duck down (lips puckered into a beak and all). She learned cow today and will actually moo. She also knows what a pig is but hasn't figured out how to "oink" yet.
(Blogger is currently messed up, I will post pictures later)

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