Friday, January 25, 2008

9 month Check-up

Annagrace went to the doctor yesterday for her 9 month check-up. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. But everything is great! Her length is growing faster than her weight at this point. Which doesn't surprise me, since her Daddy and his family come from the land of giants. But, all of the nurses and the doctor just loved her to death. As soon as we walked into the exam room Annagrace looked up, saw the huge Pooh bear and Tigger dangling from the ceiling, and immediately waved her little arm and, with all her 9 month old southern accent, said "HE-EY." I overheard the nurse out in the hall telling the doctor about how it "made her day." And that, of course, made my day.
In other news, she has started pulling up within the last couple of days. She can pull herself up onto her knees, but needs just a little bit of help to make it all the way up to her feet. She is also pointing. I'm not sure why or at what, but that one, precious little finger is flying all over the place lately.

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