My c-section was scheduled for noon but they had an emergency come in right at noon so we got pushed back an hour or so. I think that was the longest hour of my life. I was so eager to get into that OR, get her out, and hold her!
pre-op monitoring and prep
I finally got wheeled to the OR, then had to scoot from the bed to the table, and then curl over and receive my spinal. Honestly, the worst part of the spinal is them digging their thumbs into my hips verifying placement. It's a mixture of pain and tickle all at the same time and makes you want to jump up off of the table. Everything was going smoothly until they laid me back and put the curtain up, that's when the vomiting started and I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I couldn't breath and just felt horrible. I don't remember my other two c-sections feeling like that. But, after a few minutes, some additional IV meds, and a nasal cannula of oxygen, I was ok and feeling the normal tugging of a c-section. A few minutes later, 13:16 exactly, Katelynn was pulled into this world and I heard her cry out for the first time.
After all of the poking and checking, I finally got to touch her:
and then Tyler took her out to meet her big sisters
I was very happy that the Medical Center had made a change in the post-op procedure. Instead of the baby going to the nursery to be washed and weighed while I was sent to the recovery room, they now have a washing and weighing room inside of the recovery room. So, Katelynn got to stay with me. I was able to hold her and feed her while my spinal was wearing off.
As soon as I could wiggle my toes, they moved me to my room. (I was in a lot of pain and was upset that they didn't have that under control before moving me.)
After they got me settled in bed and medicated, they let my family in. And boy did they come in! We had a room full! But the sweetest and most excited visitors were Annagrace and Emmalee.
They ran to my bedside and wanted to hold her immediatly. Emmalee actually got really upset that I didn't just hand her over.
Once they were seated, Grandmother and Aunt Carol helped them hold her for the first time.
Me and my girls!
Our first family photo:
I am overwhelmed with joy. I feel so incredibly blessed to have three healthy, beautiful, happy little girls and an amazing husband who takes care of all four of us.