Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1st Day of Pre-K

 Annagrace was so excited to finally go to school. We had been counting down the days and shopped for school clothes. The night before we did a fashion show with all of her new things and picked out just the right outfit for the first day of school. And Tyler gave her a Father's blessing . . . she was ready to go. No matter how much I wanted to keep her my little baby, I had to let go.  
 She had to wear the "Rock and Roll" shorts that Nana and Papa Sent her. She even decided on her hair do. So stinkin' cute!
 She led the way.
 All the way down to her classroom.
 Grandmother came with us for the first drop off.
 During registration they gave me a form asking four general questions, one of them being, "What do you want your child to learn this year?" I answered. "To learn how to be a follower and not always have to be a leader." (along with a few curriculum based items) Well the very first day of school, she was the class LEADER! I guess she'll have to learn to follow the next day.
 She did get lonely sitting in that red chair all alone of the first day. She didn't know what being a leader involved. She just knew that she was sitting alone and everyone else was on the floor playing with beads and talking to each other. As soon as I got her a bucket of beads she was okay and told us from across the room that we could go now, class was starting.
When I picked her up after school, she was all smiles and excited about the fun day she had. She said she got a little sad and cried during nap time because she missed me, but the rest of the day she was happy and busy.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Down on the river

Carol and Gary came down for a visit and we spent the day on the River with Aunt Brenda and Uncle James. They got a new boat and we got to try it out!

And here is where I lost my mind and allowed my Annagrace to get on a tube:
Afterwards, Carol and Gary babysat while we had a date night! I think they were sufficiently entertained.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


 Emmalee enjoyed her tiny cheese burger.
This girl will not touch hamburgers but she sure chowed down on those Krystals! I love my southern girls!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Afternoon fun

backyard sprinkler fun

My beautiful girls

 Most days, after VBoMS, we would stay at Grandmother's and play before heading home. The girls also helped harvest some vegetables.

 It amazes me how she is such a "little girl" now. No signs of baby, toddler, nothing.

 Little Miss - I think I will always treat her like a baby, but honestly there isn't much baby left in her either.

The only memory I have of my MoMo (my Mom's Mom) was picking weeds in the garden. She passed away when I was 3, so any memory is special to me. And I'm sure somewhere, someone has this exact same picture of me bent over in the garden with my MoMo. This teaches me that some things never change and eventually we all turn into our Mother, which is just fine with me.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Vacation Book of Mormon School

We were invited to attend the Vacation Book of Mormon School at the Pine Mtn Branch. It was a fabulous week (July 11-15) packed with lessons, dance, music, and crafts. And then they had a performance to show off their hard work to all of the parents and grandparents.
 One day my Mom taught the lesson: shepard leading his sheep.

 Our friend Reese dressed as the shepard.
 The sheep made during Mom's class.
 This is my friend Jennifer and her Mom. They are the amazing duo who put the whole fun week together.
 All of the Hawaii girls.

I'll add the video of the performance when Tyler adds it to my computer.

Swim lessons

A friend told us about an awesome swim coach. So, I signed Annagrace up for the first week in July and it went so great we did a second week.  He had her swimming across the entire deep end on day 3 and got her to jump off the diving board and then swim to the ladder all by herself. I was amazed. She isn't perfect yet, but she can save herself if she has to. It was worth every penny.
After the lesson we were allowed to stick around and swim in the baby pool for a while.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recent photo shoot

A newborn shoot was my gift to this Mommy at her shower. And I was so excited when she called to cash it in.
 Can't get enough of his eyes!! 

Such a beautiful family!