Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 Months

 Happy 5 months baby!
 Emmalee is such a happy baby. Our smiley, giggly, squirmy, little monkey. She is rolling all over the place now. It's almost pointless putting a blanket on the floor for her to lay on, within seconds she is off of it. She is trying to sit up, but isn't quite there yet. She is also pushing her butt up in the air, getting up on her elbows, almost ready to crawl. She is getting so big so fast, growing way faster than Annagrace did. With Annagrace I could guarantee a 3-6 month outfit would fit until she was 7 or 8 months old. Emmalee is already busting out of her 3-6 month clothes at 5 months old. I've pulled out all of the 6-9 so we are ready to move on up.
To celebrate (excuse to eat out), we went to Logan's and ordered a brownie to go. When we got home and opened it up, we were shocked to find this HUGE brownie. It became her birthday brownie. We lit the candle, sang Happy Birthday, and Annagrace got to blow out the candle. 
It was a fun family night.

fun/danger at Grandmother's

While I slept (I worked the night before), the girls decided to go for a walk but couldn't find a stroller. So, they put Emmalee in the wheelbarrow!
I'm trying to overlook the lack of a seat belt, cushioning, or leg room. And, the fact that my 3 year old is pulling her and one little slip of her hand could have caused a cracked skull!!!!
 I have to overlook ALL of it and enjoy the huge smiles on their faces! And, thank Heavenly Father for my two safe, healthy, happy little girls and their wonderful Grandmother who entertains them all day long.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Aunt Laurie

 Laurie and Ryan were in town for the weekend so we spent the day doing what we do best . . . lunch and shopping!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

it's late . . .

It's late on a Friday night and I was just looking at my blog and realized how inconsistent I am with Emmalee's updates. When Annagrace was a baby - I had DAILY posts about her cuteness and progress. I'm feeling a little guilty and need to do a better job at taking just as many photos of Emmalee as I did of Annagrace. It just seems like we are always so busy.
I'm also sitting here trying to figure out and work out our plans for our trip to Utah/Idaho next month. I am so excited to go and see everyone and help with Rebecca's (my niece) wedding. We are going to stop in Denver for one night to see Tyler's older brother and his family - hopefully we will be able to celebrate their cute little Ava's birthday while we are there. Then on to Idaho for a week of Welch family fun. And then down to Utah to see friends and for the wedding. I have flowers to arrange, tables to decorate, and pictures to take. We will be busy, busy!! But, I can't wait to see Annagrace running around with all of her cousins! She is going to have a blast.
At this late hour I'm also thinking about our yard sale in the morning. First of all, why am I still awake when we are starting at 7AM? Secondly, is everything really ready? Did I pull out everything? Is everything priced?
And I'm hoping that people actually show up and buy all of our stuff. Especially the large furniture items! We need the money and the space.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Soccer #2

Annagrace enjoyed soccer again today. I however was a little disappointed in the fact that they played duck-duck-goose and freeze. It entertained the kids, but I don't think it taught them much about the game of soccer.
Emmalee tried out a new "trick." She arches her back to the point that you almost drop her!
I do believe that we have a chubby baby on the horizon! Emmalee's thighs are getting chunkier by the day. Today her toes caught her attention and she wanted to suck on them. But her little thigh rolls kept her from actually getting them into her mouth.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crib time

First night in her crib!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Officially a "Soccer Mom"


The Spectators
I was so happy to see how good she was at following directions and listening to her coach.
Coach Joey
She is great at dribbling.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


The cereal didn't go over so well. So, we tried applesauce today. After MANY crazy faces, I think some of it actually went down.
Meanwhile, for dinner, Annagrace was building this:
That's right a cracker-turkey-cheese-Oreo-cracker YUMMM! =P

Labor Day

We celebrated Labor Day at Carol and Gary's house. Mom and Dad helped them plant some new flowers the girls played and I pretty much spent the day sick on the couch. Gary cooked ribs for everyone and they were delicious.
After lunch we headed to the pond for some fishing. Granddaddy bought Annagrace a Disney Princess fishing rod for her first fishing experience.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Long Weekend

Since Tyler had Labor day off he and Annagrace decided to "camp out" in the back yard Sunday night. They were both so excited and had planned everything out and purchased the necessities - hot dogs, Smores ingredients, Strawberry Shortcake movie (projected on the side of the house), new sleeping bags, and put up the tent. 
But, then it all kind of fell to pieces.
After spending the day in pain, from my migraine, I opted for a bucket of chicken nuggets from McDonald's for dinner, instead of hot dogs. Then Smores were made but our picky eater spit it right back out! She loves each of the ingredients separately but would not eat them warm and smashed together. They did manage to watch the movie outside and even made it into the tent to "go to bed." But, after a couple of bedtime stories, she was done! Ready to come back inside. Tyler was disappointed. He had been looking forward to camping out with his little girl. I'm afraid that she has a little too much of me in her - sleeping on the ground just isn't our cup of tea.