Some cute things Annagrace has said recently:
While I was talking to her on the phone, my Mom kept talking to her in the background - prodding her to talk more.
A: Be quite Grandmother, I'm talking on the phone.
I couldn't stop laughing. My mom was so shocking she didn't say a word.
Today she was carrying around a paperback Book of Mormon that I told her she could have.
Tyler: What book do you have?
Annagrace: It's my book.
Tyler: Is it the Book of Mormon?
Annagrace: No, it's not the book of Morgan!
(I just babysat a little girl named Morgan last week. Annagrace was making sure that we weren't confused on the fact that it is her book not Morgan's!)
Tyler went to McDonald's for lunch today. He gave her some fries on the way home
A: These are terrible!