Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Max, Max, Max

Max came over for a few hours yesterday for some fun play time. He is so cute and funny. He was obsessed with anything that belongs to Tyler. He wore his shoes around for a while, later he found Tyler's baseball cap and wore it around the house. Annagrace enjoyed chasing him around the house . . . everything he did was interesting. Max didn't find this new little shadow to be amusing though, he needed his space. He did share his movie with us though. We all enjoyed watching Milo and Otis.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cutie Patotie

We had a Stake Relief Society Activity/Project yesterday and Annagrace wore her new outfit - she was just too adorable! I love, love, love hats!
Today we went to Grandmother and Granddaddy's for lunch. It was a beautiful day so we went out and sat on the back porch/deck. It turned into a mini photo shoot.

Friday, February 22, 2008

This week . . . so far

Tuesday we went for Pedicures. Annagrace didn't get one, but she enjoyed watching Grandmother get hers. I was tempted to let them paint her toes though, she doesn't suck on them anymore, but I don't know who could paint those moving targets!!
Wednesday our Mommy lunch was at Heather's house, on Post, so we rode with Erin. In an effort to save Erin from having to remove car seats, I said that Annagrace could try out Asher's big kid, forward facing, seat. SHE LOVED IT! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of her on the way to the play date, this is on the way home. She had so much fun, she passed out as soon as her hinney hit the seat. When we got home I told Tyler about the seat and we decided to change out her seat in our car. (We already had the new seat, just waiting in the box.) She loves the seat, being able to look out the windows and see every thing going by. While at Heather's Annagrace crawled over to a carseat to play with it (she loves buckles) but realized there was still a baby in there and this was her reaction: This kinda made me excited to have another baby. I think Annagrace is going to be an excellent BIG sister . . . someday. =)

And today we went to the beach. It was a last minute trip with Mom and Dad. Daddy had to finish up a set up cabinets in a condo, so we tagged along thinking we could spend a day walking on the beach. Unfortunately this is as close to the beach as we got, it POURED the entire day. We did get to have lunch with Grandma Betty. We were so excited that she was able to meet us. We ate at a very delicious, very cute little Italian place.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Little things

I know I keep saying it's the little things that make me happy, but it truly is. Saturday night Annagrace and I went to a Pampered Chef Party and Tyler went to a movie with my Dad. We got home before him so I plopped Annagrace in the highchair with some Cheerios and I went to work on the daily dishes. When I tried to open the cabinet to get the dish washer detergent, the door wouldn't open. I tried again and saw a baby latch. My wonderful husband installed the baby latches on all of the bottom kitchen cabinets before he headed out to the movie. I was so happy I even cheered, resulting in applause from Annagrace as well. From my reaction you would have thought he just gave me a diamond . . . but NOPE . . . Baby Latches! I had decided earlier in the day that I was going to install them myself but was told by my Dad that since my cabinets are solid oak, I have to drill pilot holes first . . . turning my one hour project into a whole day project that would have to be saved for another day. BUT, Tyler did it all for me. He is just the BEST.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mommy Lunch

Another Wednesday . . . another FABULOUS Mommy lunch. Today we met at Erin's and had bagel sandwiches (my first, which they all thought was insane!) that were delicious. Today was a little more exciting for Annagrace than normal. Now that she can crawl, she was able to get right in the middle of the boys and toys. But, she didn't put up a fight for any of them. She was pretty much a pushover. The boys would take something from her, she would shrug it off and go on to the next toy.
Look at this little bright-eyed doll.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday MOM

Out of respect I will not say the age. But I'll give you a hint . . . this is her Social Security Birthday.
She is so excited to get an extra check every month that I don't think she really cares anymore if people know how old she is. We love you very much and are so thankful for you and all that you do for us. I always knew that you were a wonderful, fun Grandmother; but I had no idea how wonderful until Annagrace came along. Her love for you is visible every time you walk through the door.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Very Sad Day

Today was very, very sad. Tyler lowered Annagrace's crib matress. I think I'm going to have a meltdown soon, there are just to many big changes happening to my baby. And to top it all off . . . there are only two more months until her FIRST BIRTHDAY!


Annagrace has discovered two more holes in her face.

But, this brings up an issue for me. Why is it okay to put your finger in you ear in public, but not your nose? Seriously, they both have ichy gooy stuff in them. What's the difference? The worst is when people use their keys to scratch inside their ear!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

She's CRAWLING!!!!

Yesterday morning she was sitting on the floor playing with her box of toys . . . she noticed Lucy laying three feet away and decided she needed to go touch her toe nails (she is fascinated with them???) . . . so she, like she has been doing it all of her life, moved from a sitting position onto all fours and perfectly crawled her way over to Lucy. I was smiling from ear to ear with tears in my eyes. I was afraid to say anything, in fear that interrupting her would suddenly make her forget how to crawl. Once she got within touching distance of Lucy she pushed her way back into sitting up. I then returned to my senses and ran for the video camera. It is just too cute!!
I am so torn as a Mommy though. I am so excited for all of these milestones but at the same time it means I'm losing my baby. She is growing up so fast and I'm afraid I'm going to forget all of these special little moments. (My memory is disappearing faster than she is growing.)
I've also realized that with this new found mobility I am going to need more energy and toughness. First of all energy, to keep up with her and everything she is getting into now. And second, toughness to be the disciplinarian when she is getting into something she shouldn't be. How can you be mean and forceful with a baby? Especially one that when you say "No, No!" She looks up at you with the biggest, most adorable smile and turns her head from side to side to say No, No with you??? I end up laughing and she goes back to doing what she isn't supposed to and we start the whole "No, No" scene all over again.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FULL day

We had another Mommy lunch/playdate today. The four boys played, screamed, shoved, laughed, and had an overall great time. All of the craziness kept Annagrace entertained, from her Cheerio loaded, out of harms reach, highchair. And I had a great time chatting away with the other Mommies. Sorry Heather, but I think you look adorable!
Wednesdays are Tyler's day off = Family Day. So after the gang left and Annagrace crashed for a while, the three of us headed to the Museum. Annagrace enjoyed the Transformations Room for kids, but didn't really get into the "Objects of Desire" Collectables exhibit.
Annagrace found it absolutely hilarious to sit on her Daddy and pick his nose. (She actually made him bleed.)
She is really getting into this feeding herself thing, but hasn't mastered doing it neatly.

And last but not least . . . a thank you to my Hero. After dinner, I realized that I was out of Diet Coke (yes I'm addicted). So, my sweet husband not only went to the Circle K and got me a fountain drink, he also went to Publix and bought me 2 12 packs. YEAH!!! (It's all about the little things.)

Playing a little catch up . . .

Friday night we spent the night with Grandmother so the sick Daddy could get a good night's sleep. Of course, Grandmother was very excited.

Saturday Annagrace stayed with Grandmother while I went to Angie's for a day of scrapbooking. (I haven't done anything since her birth!!) I had so much fun that I haven't been able to stop scrapbooking since.
Then during Relief Society on Sunday, to my utter humiliation, I learned that I am now the proud parent of the loud, super active, super distracting baby. So, by the time Sacrament rolled around, I had had enough wrestling and shushing. So, we joined Jenn and Steve in the Relief Society room where the testimonies could be heard while the babies played. Tyson was so cute, he kept copying Annagrace:

Friday, February 1, 2008

Poor Baby

This picture pretty much sums up my week.
Annagrace's perfect immune system finally took a hit this week. Her entire body just radiated heat with a fever of 102. She couldn't breath through her nose, which made bottle time virtually impossible. And she just looked so pitiful all of the time. Her doctor will not see her unless her fever is over 102, but when she hit that, they didn't have any available appointments. When the nurse finally called me back we realized we weren't giving her enough Tylenol to bring the fever down. The next day she was back down to 99, thank goodness. She is still really congested but no fever (which is my biggest fear).