Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tyson is ONE!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I know, she is missing an arm in this picture, but her facial expression is so cute I just had to post the picture.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Munch and Mingle
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sleeping Position
Venture Outside
Monday, September 24, 2007
Okay . . .
I've started making them for Christmas gifts and my own Christmas cards.
Erin and Asher had to go pick Jensie up from school but Jenn and Tyson stuck around for card making. Between Tyson and Annagrace I don't know how we get any cards actually completed. They are never BOTH calm at the same time. I got Annagrace down for a nap and by the time Tyson went down, Annagrace was already awake. Her little cat naps are killing me!! I can't wait for the two long naps a day. Right now she is up and down all day long.
After weeks of wanting my drink, Jenn finally gave in and let Tyson try Diet Coke.
Friday, September 21, 2007
A first for Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Fall is officially here. The air has cooled, I made my pumpkin-chocolate chip cookies last night, and I purchased candy-corn pumpkins today. It really has snuck up on us this year. Tyler, the Halloween obsessed little boy trapped in a man's body, realized today that October is "ONLY A WEEK AWAY!!!" I guess that means the Halloween and Fall decorations will be making their 2007 debut this Saturday. I'm getting excited for the holiday season myself. I've had a re-decorating itch the past week or so and I think holiday decorating will scratch it.
I just couldn't resist. I was in Mikayla's (a children's consignment shop) yesterday and saw this exersaucer. I left the store without it, feeling guilty that I've spent too much money on this little girl lately. But all night long, all I could think about was this incredible exersaucer and how much fun Annagrace would have playing in it. You see . . . this is no ordinary exersaucer . . . it has three legs: one stationary and the other two have wheels. So . . . the entire thing pivots around the stationary leg. It is the perfect marriage between an exersaucer and an old fashioned walker. Once Tyler and I decided that we couldn't live without this amazing toy I couldn't wait to go get it. I also realized that it could be gone, purchased later in the day after I left. So, first thing this morning Annagrace and I got dressed and speed off to Mikayla's to add this thing to our toy collection. And she absolutely LOVES it! There is a perfect circle of a tire track embedded in the living room rug now. She just loves going around and around.
Tyler Home
Tyler is now working from home. BCBS is allowing one person a month to transfer home and he was selected for September. He brought his computer, phone, and other necessities home on Monday and started working from home Tuesday morning. It has been really nice having him here. If I have a question, I don't have to call his cell phone, I just peak in the room and wait for his call to end to ask him. Annagrace loves having him here. During his breaks he is able to hold her and play with her and I personally have enjoyed taking a shower everyday without worrying that she is screaming her head off in the other room. Tyler feels like he is on vacation, his time working feels like he is just playing on the computer on a day off.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Peas Please
Annagrace is a good little eater now. She is getting better and better with a spoon, although you can't tell that from this picture. She tried peas and applesauce for the first time today. Yes, I know you are only supposed to try one new food every three days. But, in my defence I forgot that she hadn't had applesauce yet. Luckily she didn't have an upset stomach from either one, so we are all safe. However she is hungry, hungry, hungry lately. She normally eats every three hours or so, now I'm lucky to get her to wait two hours between meals. I think she is going through a growth spurt. Meanwhile I've been running all over town buying up long-sleeve 3-6 month size clothing for her to wear in Idaho next month. I hope she doesn't out grow them before we get there.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Card Making

Sunday, September 16, 2007
5 Months!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Aunt Carol's Visit
Friday, September 14, 2007
Never Ending Dinner
Card Making
The two youngins' did really well today entertaining themselves and each other. They were funny to watch.
I think Annagrace has a little boyfriend! (ughhh, it's already starting!)
I think Tyson may be on his way to a profession in plumbing!
You can't hold someones else's baby without your own getting jealous!